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Although there is little data or scientific evidence currently available to support the claim, many addiction experts believe that marijuana use is likely to increase over time in states where marijuana is legal. Because marijuana is legal in states like Colorado, the dangers of smoking or ingesting marijuana will be downplayed just like they are with alcohol. People will begin to perceive marijuana as entirely safe because the government has legalized it. Hayes stresses that there will be both economic benefits and costs from legalizing marijuana. ACP Internist is an award-winning publication: One of the biggest arguments against legalizing marijuana is that it is a "gateway" drug. The idea is that smoking marijuana might lead people to use other, harder drugs. There is a link between marijuana use and other drug use. Yet there's no proof that using marijuana drives people into hard drugs. "Just because they happen to use marijuana doesn't mean they're going to use opioids in 6 years," Hill says. Going Here.

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Cannabis in the provinces and territories. The centre found a lack of research examining the risks of medical marijuana, although states that studies of recreational users shows health risks related to smoking pot over the long term. The flagship clinic launched in April of 2018 in Oakville Ontario, and CannaWay Clinic has since opened five standalone clinics and five affiliate clinic locations across Ontario and Manitoba. According to a StatsCan estimate, Canadians may have spent roughly CAD$6.2 billion (US$4.8 billion) on marijuana in 2015, although the agency admits that there is no scientific method of accurately measuring illegal consumption..

About author:
First Name, Last Name:Alvin Houston
Postal address:605 John Avenue, Lansing, 48912, United States
Tropical zodiac:Scorpio
Occupation:Social worker
During this time, cannabis culture flourished as dozens of illegal pot dispensaries began cropping up in Vancouver and throughout the rest of the province. Dr.

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